First Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ, Inc.
Apostolic Faith

October 1930 marked the beginning of the Apostolic message being preached in the town of Mashpee, MA. Sister Mary (Duesbury) Wilson, assisted by Bro Benjamin Green, her brother, of Onset, MA and ministered to by District Elder Oddous Barbour of Boston, MA.
Followed by a series of evangelistic meetings held at the Mashpee Town Hall, the healing services continued under the auspices of Christ Temple Church of Boston. Elder Julio Bento came from Onset and assisted with the services also.
Elder William Wilkerson of Oak Bluffs, MA. held a series of services and God blessed his ministry with souls being saved. Elder Wilkerson was then called to pastor this small band of saints. Due to failing health Elder Wilkerson was unable to continue and he appointed Bro. Shirley Pells as his assistant pastor. Mother Cora Clark of Boston held evangelistic meetings and organized the Missionary Board and Sunday School.
Services continued in the Town Hall and then saints homes and on Sept. 10, 1934 this parcel of land was purchased to build a house of the Lord. An old ice house was purchased, disassembled and brought to this site and for some time it lay exposed to the weather. Finally, July1936, ground was broken and the foundation for the church building was started. The first Sunday of November 1936 this church building was dedicated to the Lord. There were about 200 present including visiting saints from out of town.
The original name of the church was The Mashpee Gospel Mission and it was changed to Jehovah Temple in 1933 when an actual organization of the assembly was formed. In 1934 Elder Benjamin Green became pastor after the resignation of Bro. Pells and on March 30, 1937 the congregation once again met for the purpose of reorganization and incorporating our church.
The name was once again changed and Jehovah Temple became First Pentecostal Church of Mashpee. The application of incorporation was accepted and the charter received, May 1937. Elder Benjamin Green continued to pastor even through years of failing health, until the Lord called him home in August of 1972.
During the latter years of Elder Benjamin Green's pastorate, our pastor, Suffragan Bishop John D. Green would visit Mashpee while on vacation here in town and be invited to minister on Sundays. Also there were many times when he would be sent down by either District Oswald Bellamy or Bishop Thomas Weeks to minister to the saints.
After the passing of Elder Benjamin Green, God saw fit to call another young man with the same last name to continue the work at First Pentecostal Church of Mashpee.
After a meeting of the membership and thoughtful prayer, District Elder Bellamy was contacted and the request was made for Elder John Green, associate minister of Emmanuel Temple, Roxbury, MA. to become pastor.
The second Sunday of June 1973, Elder John D. Green was installed as pastor of this assembly and the Lord blessed this ministry. Many souls have been saved, reclaimed and many people have been healed through his ministry.